Jacks wield the best gear they can scrounge, buy, or make. Something custom is often the best fit for the job.
Crafting Components
Crafting components can be found as treasure, from butchering monsters, or from repurposing items. Each component provides a certian number of tags. Recipes state how many of a given tag they need to be crafted; gather components that meet those requirements and you can craft the item.
Some recipes will call for other items, from the general 'A weapon' to the specific 'Mender's Carpal Assemblages'.
Physical Tags
These are the tags that relate to how something is shaped or could be used in traditional engineering.
- Rod: Some linear support, strut or handle.
- Plate: A roughly planar, rigid item that could enclose or protect another.
- Blade: Anything that bears a cutting edge.
- Point: Something that comes to a sharp point.
- Link: A flexible connector.
- Fabric: A sheet of flexible material.
- Mechanism: Anything complicated or articulated.
- Compound: Any chemically or magically active substance.
Esoteric Tags
These tags capture magical associations, usually for the purposes of enchantment.
- Ignis: Light, heat, consumption.
- Aquae: Form, change, balance.
- Terra: Completeness, persistence, cancellation.
- Ventus: Motion, dimension, information.
- Anima: Growth, creation, chaos.
- Mortos: Stillness, ending, order.
Crafting an item must be done in town. Make a Wisdom save, DC 13/16/19 (Common/Uncommon/Rare). On a failure, one component is destroyed. On a success, the item is crafted.
Each of the following adds a +1 bonus to the check, but can only be applied once.
- Training, background, or skilled assistance.
- 50/100/200 coin.
- 1/2/4 days of prepwork and planning.
Weapons are listed here, because non-weapon items would likely need to be negotiated with the GM.
- Spear, polearm
- Rod x2
- Point
- Club, mace, baton
- Rod
- Plate
- Dagger, cleaver, sickle
- Rod
- Edge
- Shield
- Plate
- Cloak, gambeson
- Fabric x2
- Sling
- Link
- Fabric
- Chestplate, cuirass
- Plate x2
- Fabric
- Greaves, bracers, helmet
- Plate
- Fabric
- Bow, shortbow
- Rod x2
- Line
- Crossbow
- Rod x2
- Line
- Mechanism
- Sword, handaxe
- Rod
- Edge
- Greatsword, greataxe
- Rod
- Edge x2
- Pistol, pepperbox, revolver
- Rod
- Plate
- Mechanism
- Rifle, musket, jezail
- Rod x2
- Plate
- Mechanism
Capturing a snarl of the arcane in sympathetic snares lets you wield it's power. An item can only a single enchantment, chosen at creation.
Weapons with 'on crit' effects only have those effects if you do not perform a manuever. Additionally, crafted and enchanted weapons still break on nat 1s.
- Ignis
- Mortos
When you kill a creature with this weapon, you must immediately make another attack, even if the only valid targets are allies or yourself.
- Aquae
- Anima
When you crit with this weapon, you gain 1 hitpoint for each HD your target has more than your own.
- Terra
You may conceal this item from casual view until it is used or you are exhuastively searched.
- Ventus
You may project the noise this item makes to a point you can see. You may also speak into it with the same effects, or have it dampen the items sound altogether.
- Ventus x2
If not secured, this item will slowly return to you, generally arriving at the end of the next watch you spend resting.